Monday, March 30, 2015


Lately, I have been feeling homesick. I miss having deep conversations with guys. Staying up till the AM's for no reason at all. I miss my little cat Pepper. She would always rest on my chest while I sleep and sit her paw on my face to wake me up while nibbling on my ear.
This trip is really teaching me how to become independant. It's a very good experience. I might as well make the best of my time here because I probably will miss this place too when I go back to America. Sorry guys, I don't have pictures too show this time. It's finals week so I haven't taken many pictures this week. Unless you guys wanna see what I'm studying haaha. I'm not going to lie, it has been sorta lonely living here by myself. But I'm managing myself. *Tear*..... <(^-^<)


  1. Hey,
    I kind of know how you feel. It is not easy being away from home by yourself. It will get better probab;y toward the end since you are only gone for several months.
    Anyway, we miss our slide person for Sunday praise ;)
    I don't have a tip or solution for overcoming homesickness. Just try to be around people because then you think less about it and have other things on your mind.
    It sounds like you are enjoying your stay there, though. I hope it continues to be an awesome experience for you.
